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Batts for rough-cut 2x4s?

dbaerg | Posted in Green Products and Materials on

I have a client that is gutting a house built in 1920. There is loose fill fiberglass between the rough cut 2×4 studs. If she replaces these with batts, the commonly available 3.5″ rock wool or fiberglass batts will only partially fill the cavities. Does anybody sell a full 4″ batt? Or is there some way this could be done properly? If she scrunches a 5.5.” batt into the cavity what R value could she expect from the compressed batt? Is it likely to cause problems with the drywall?

Thank you,

David Baerg

GBA Prime

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  1. user-2310254 | | #1

    You don't want a void, so it is better to compress a thicker batt. See this table (, which I saw referenced in a post in Allison Bailes' blog (

    The post was prompted by a comment from Dana Dorsett on GBA.

  2. GBA Editor
    Martin Holladay | | #2

    Steve is right. Purchase 5.5-inch batts and compress them. You'll get a higher R-value per inch with a compressed batt than an uncompressed batt.

    You might end up with R-4 or even R-4.2 per inch -- in other words, R-16 to R-16.8.


  3. GBA Editor
    Patrick Mccombe | | #3

    I've faced this problem many times. Use the 2x6 batt. It will fit fine and it won't hamper hanging drywall.

  4. walta100 | | #4

    It is so rare for batts to be installed well even in modern framing. If you can every wall open at the same time wet sprayed cellulose insulation will give you a better fill for similar cost.


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