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Exterior rigid foam protection

chrisjohnston2112 | Posted in General Questions on

Hi, I am in the middle of building a home. The contractor has placed one-inch rigid foam insulation of the exterior of the home. Vinyl siding is going over this. At the bottom of the house, where the siding stops, you can reach under and feel the foam insulation. It is about 2 feet above grade.

Do I need to seal the bottom of the foam to prevent any critters from getting in, and if so how?

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  1. jwyman | | #1

    I notice that the details for vinyl siding and rigid insulation on this site show exposed insulation at the bottom of the wall. Contractors I work with either start with a wood nailer at the bottom or enclose the rigid insulation with a piece of aluminum flashing shaped like a 'J'. Depending on the climate area you are in, the flashing is a good idea to deter insects.

  2. HDendy | | #2

    Be careful not to trap draining water in the "J". Depending on where you detail the WRB it might wick back up behind it.

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